Larry the Cable Guy ripped into Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro after her rant that House Republicans were “scared” by Elon Musk.

Let me repeat it. The actor who plays Mater – you know, the guy who is “tuh-mater” but without the “tuh”, tries to explain simple concepts about congressional spending to an active congresswoman.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Larry is an intelligent guy who has created a brilliant comedy character. DeLauro is supposed to represent the best of us as a representative of the people.

We get this instead.

DeLauro is doing exactly what every good Democrat has done in the last few days. They’re doing everything they can to taunt the President-elect Trump, declaring Musk the real leader.

She said that GOP members “agreed to a bill,” yet “You know what?” They were scared because Musk told them to stop.

What you see above is a congresswoman with purple-colored hair, ranting as if she were a violet-backed starling on crack, implying that her colleagues are afraid to pass a law that there is no chance of her reading.

Connecticut, specifically the 3rd District – is this the best that you can offer?

Larry the Cable Guy (real name Daniel Whitney) often avoids politics because of the toxicity levels on social media. However, he has openly suggested on X, that both parties should break down the resolution into separate bills.

He backed up his argument by calling DeLauro a “lunatic.”

“These are our brightest and best. Sheeesh. Why don’t Grandma with purple hair and all of the D’s and R’s draft separate bills?” Mr. Cable Guy asked. “Hmm.. Then they get angry at Musk for providing the platform where taxpayers can see the shenanigans live.”

I have a feeling that the punk rock retirees here are more upset about not being able to control what Americans see.

LOL. Punk rock retiree. That’s hilarious, no matter who you are.

Also, bingo. Rep. DeLauro was the same person who praised and defended Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s plan to invest in women crash test dummies. She claims this is an important step in fighting “gender inequality.”

The price of these puppies was over $20 million. The party who doesn’t understand what a woman looks like suddenly wants its crash test dummies anatomically accurate.

The problem is right there. All too often, the American people hear that we have to keep the government running or children and seniors will die. We must pass the bill to find out later what it contains.

X is now the most important source of information and media in real-time. This means that lawmakers can no longer afford to ignore this. Musk was pointing out examples of waste that were on par with the $20 million crash test models in this CR, and people just weren’t buying it. As a result of this, members of Congress revolted.

Larry’s original idea is still valid. He first brought up the issue of standalone bills on X Friday in an early morning post.

“I have an idea. Why not vote on one bill at a given time, and stop adding things that nobody wants to pay? “It’s our money!” He wrote. How is this so difficult?

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY), a fiscally conservative Republican, seems to agree.

“This isn’t complicated. “Separate the bills and vote them individually,” he wrote on X. “One vote for the clean CR. One vote for the debt limit. One vote on disaster relief. “One vote on farm bailouts”

“Radical, right? “Each issue is a separate bill.”

It’s so radical that a comedian from a film called “Witless Protection”, who played the lead role in it, has to explain it slowly to members of Congress.

Git-r-done, Larry.